Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The application is closed, can I still submit? 
A: No

Q: I applied, when will I have an update? 
A: You should have an update by the end of February, with final decisions confirmed by March 8th. 

Q: Who selects the cohort? 
A: A review board made up of internal and external industry stakeholders goes through a process to select the cohort. 

Q: Why do you have to live in Nashville to be a part of Equal Access? 
A: We want to make sure the cohort can get the most out of the program, and we have 2 or more Nashville-based events per month. 

Q: I applied last year, is that a problem? 
A: No! We encourage people to keep applying!  Your career might be in a different place than when you last applied, and this might be the year it works out. 

Q: How many people get selected? 
A: 3 artists and 3 managers

Q: I missed this application window, when can I try again?
A: Applications for cohort 4 will open January 2025.